Rigaku Corporation Forms a New Company in Europe – Rigaku Innovative Technologies Europe s.r.o. – to Advance X-ray Optics Research and Development

Prague, Czech Republic – June 9, 2008. Rigaku Corporation today announced the formation of Rigaku Innovative Technologies Europe s.r.o. (RITE), on May 22, 2008, as a European center of excellence for the design, development, and manufacture of X-ray optics, X-ray detectors and X-ray sources as well as other related scientific products for industry and research. The new company includes three of the leading researchers in the field of advanced X-ray optics in the Czech Republic, Dr. Ladislav Pína, Dr. René Hudec, and Dr. Adolf Inneman, as well as a staff of their long-time associates.

Rigaku Innovative Technologies Europe s.r.o., a wholly owned subsidiary of Rigaku Corporation (Tokyo, Japan), will be headquartered in fully-equipped, optimized facilities in Prague. Dr. Ladislav Pína and Dr. John McGill have been appointed to be the Managing Directors of the company. Dr. McGill also retains his position as President and COO of Rigaku Innovative Technologies, Inc. in Auburn Hills, MI, USA. The new company will complete a triad of Rigaku X-ray equipment research and development (R&D) laboratories, now spanning the globe, with facilities in Japan, the United States and Europe.

Commenting on the formation of Rigaku Innovative Technologies Europe s.r.o, Dr. Pina explained that “we intend to continue the plethora of R&D and scientific collaborations – in the field of X-rays physics – that have been the hallmark of our group … while developing an integrated commercial component of the business that contributes back to society while returning value to the parent company.” Dr. McGill added that “the new company is both open to, and will actively pursue, collaborations – with both European government entities and global industrial partners – to advance the state-of-the-art of our technology base for the benefit of all mankind in accordance with our corporate mission.”

About Rigaku

Since its inception in Japan in 1951, Rigaku has been at the forefront of analytical and industrial instrumentation technology. Rigaku and its subsidiaries form a global group focused on life sciences and general purpose analytical instrumentation. With hundreds of major innovations to its credit, Rigaku and its subsidiary companies are world leaders in the fields of small molecule and protein crystallography, X-ray spectrometry and diffraction, X-ray optics, as well as semiconductor metrology. Rigaku employs over 1,100 people. Its products are in use in more than 70 countries – supporting research, development, and quality assurance activities. Throughout the world, Rigaku continuously promotes partnerships, dialog, and innovation within the global scientific and industrial community.

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