MILFORD, MA — KPM Analytics, a global leader in scientific instrumentation for analyzing critical parameters in the food, agriculture, industrial, and environmental sectors, continues to invest and expand its global footprint and infrastructure to better serve its growing customer base.Today, the company announced a number of facility relocations and upgrades for some of their manufacturing […]
The new HK Series Differential Refractometer from Testa Analytical Solutions e.K sets a benchmark for precise determination of specific refractive index increment (dn/dc) – an important parameter for polymer and protein molecular weight determination using light scattering techniques. The specific refractive index increment (dn/dc) is one of the most underestimated parameters in material science. The […]
Upgrade and simplify your laboratory testing with CANNON’s new TESC-5133 Low Temperature Viscometer for engine lubricants that conforms, and automates, ASTM D5133 testing. The compact, economical TESC-5133 integrates and automates the ASTM D5133 process of conditioning and testing low temperature viscosities of engine lubricants. Common applications include: Gear oils Automatic transmission fluid Torque and tractor […]
SAN RAMON, CA – RheoSense, Inc. is proud to introduce the new Chip Cleaning Station (CCS). This is a supplemental piece to our viscometer product line, compatible for: m-VROC, microVISC, microVISC-m and e-VROC. RheoSense’s viscometers are powered by our core technology, also known as, VROC® technology. Using MEMS and microfluidic based technology, VROC chips have been widely adapted by labs, leading […]
SAN RAMON, CA – RheoSense, Inc. is proud to introduce the new VROC® initium one plus, the leading automatic viscometer that measures viscosity with the highest accuracy (2% of reading) and repeatability (0.5% of reading). Equipped with automatic sample loading and sample cleaning, VROC® initium one plus measures absolute viscosity as a function of shear rate across […]
Micromeritics’ ongoing commitment to NLDFT models for greater accuracy in porosity characterization Norcross, GA, USA – 19 May 2020. Micromeritics Instrument Corp., a global leader in material characterization technologies, offers a number of non-local density functional theory (NLDFT) models which underlines its ongoing commitment to refine the performance of gas adsorption techniques for materials with […]
Enhanced access to dynamic vapor sorption technology for customers across Europe Norcross, GA/USA and London, UK – Particle Testing Authority (PTA), Micromeritics’ ISO17025 accredited contract testing laboratory, and Surface Measurement Systems, the global leader in sorption science, today announced a strategic alliance to enhance access to dynamic vapor sorption technology in Europe and especially Germany. […]
New High-Performance Thermal Analysis, Rheology and Microcalorimetry Tools Help Accelerate the Pace of Materials Research MILFORD, Mass. — Waters Corporation (NYSE:WAT) today introduced new products that bring greater productivity and efficiency to materials science research. The new Discovery™ X3 Differential Scanning Calorimeter, Discovery Hybrid Rheometers and TAM IV Micro XL isothermal microcalorimeter support the development of next-generation, high performance materials […]
Introducing the Dynamic Void Volume Analyzer (DVVA) II for automated, environmentally benign testing, for rubber compounding Norcross, GA, USA — Micromeritics Instrument Corp., a leader in material characterization technology, has developed an optimized, automated solution for customers looking to characterize carbon blacks in accordance with the newly revised ASTM D1765-18 Classification System for Carbon Blacks […]
Complete solution for physical characterization backed by established application expertise Norcross, GA – Particle Testing Authority, Micromeritics’ ISO17025 accredited contract testing laboratory today announced a comprehensive physical characterization service for the additive manufacturing (AM) industry that provides fast and efficient access to the techniques routinely used to optimize process performance and the attributes of finished […]
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