Bruker Expands Nanoindenting Business
Billerica, MA 1/24/17—Scientific research instrument and solutions firm Bruker has acquired Hysitron for an undisclosed amount. Hysitron supplies nanomechanical test instruments, including nanoindentration, microindentation, tribology, and in situ SEM and TEM nanomechanical testing products. The US-based company generated $20 million in revenues in 2016. “As a leader in atomic force microscopy instrumentation, we plan to realize a number of valuable application synergies by adding Hysitron’s instruments to our Bruker NANO Group nanoscale surface and materials characterization product portfolio,” stated Bruker NANO Group President Mark R. Munch, PhD. “In addition, Hysitron’s products are quite complementary to our macroscale mechanical and tribology test instruments, providing the most complete range of testing capabilities to the market.”
The acquisition adds to Bruker’s systems for nanomechanical testing, building its portfolio for materials science and semiconductor applications in particular. Properties measured by Hysitron’s Triboidenter includes elastic modulus, hardness, creep, stress relaxation, interfacial adhesion and fracture toughness.