Sample Preparation

Company Announcements

Horizon Technology appointed Board member Dr. Peter Brown as CEO in September 2012. Previously, he served as general manager of VG Elemental.

Claremont BioSolutions announced in October 2012 a strategic partnership and technology development agreement with In-Q-Tel for its Prep-on-a-Chip.

Pressure BioSciences signed a supplier agreement with Cole-Parmer for its PBI Shredder SG3 System and tubes.

Rubicon Genomics integrated its ThruPLEX technology into Diagenode’s MicroPLEX Library Preparation Kit.

Product Introductions

Phenomenex released the Phree Phospholipid Removal Plate, with processing of up to 400 µL per well.

Phenomenex introduced roQ QuEChERS kits for cleanup of multiple pesticide residues.

Rainin Instrument and PhyNexus introduced the electronic pipette–based PureSpeed Protein Purification System for simultaneous processing of up to 12 samples.

Roche released the new High Pure FFPET RNA Isolation Kit for the isolation of RNA from formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue in 2.5 hours.

Integrated DNA Technologies introduced xGen Lockdown Probes, individually synthesized 60–120 nucleotide 5’-biotinylated capture oligonucleotides for high-depth sequencing and analysis of specific regions of the genome.

Akonni Biosystems released a new family of “smart tip” extraction products for rapidly purifying human gDNA on the Hamilton Microlab STAR workstations.

For the Ion Proton system, Life Technologies introduced the Ion OneTouch 2 System for medium-throughput labs and the Ion Chef System for high-throughput labs.

Thermo Fisher Scientific launched in September 2012 the Thermo Scientific Mass Spectrometric Immunoassay (MSIA) pipette tips for immunoaffinity sample preparation prior to top-down MS-based quantitative proteomics.

Thermo Fisher Scientific released the Thermo Scientific Hormones Application Kit for the detection and analysis of hormones in water using LC/MS.

In October, Agilent introduced the SureDesign online interface for creating customized target-enrichment panels for next-generation sequencing (NGS) in three steps.

Buchi introduced the new SpeedExtractor, which is capable of processing six samples in 30 minutes.

MO BIO Laboratories introduced the PowerMag Microbiome RNA/DNA Isolation Kit for use with the Eppendorf epMotion automated pipetting system.

For NGS, QIAGEN introduced the REPLI-g Single Cell Kit for amplification; the GeneRead rRNA Depletion Kit, which utilizes a novel hybrid capture technology, for RNA analysis; the GeneRead DNAseq Gene Panel System for fast enrichment of target gene panels; and the GeneRead Library Quant Kits for library quantification.

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