Company Announcements
In May, Igenbio opened an office in Japan.
In June, One Lambda, a Thermo Fisher Scientific company, gained exclusive rights to GenoDive Pharma’s long-range primers and amplification conditions for HLA-locus–specific amplification in order to develop an IVD next-generation sequencing (NGS) kit.
Rubicon Genomics added multiple European distributors, including Cambridge Bioscience for the UK and Ireland, and Biozym Scientific for Germany and Austria.
In June, Pacific Biosciences announced a comarketing agreement with GenDx for full-length HLA gene-sequencing products. GenDx will offer the NGSgo reagent line with barcoded primers for sequencing on the PacBio RS II and the GenDX NGSengine software package.
In July, NextCODE partnered with the University College Dublin’s Academic Center on Rare Disease.
Berry Genomics and Illumina codeveloped an assay for the NextSeq 500 for noninvasive prenatal testing, which is undergoing Chinese FDA regulatory approval.
Product Introductions
Appistry launched in May CloudDx, a cloud-based service for ordering lab-developed genomics tests.
NuGEN Technologies launched in June the Ovation Target Enrichment System, which it states provides sensitive variant detection with more uniform coverage and lower drop-out rates than available bait-capture methods. It is available as a custom offering and in two standard oncological panels, one for DNA and one for RNA
HTG Molecular Diagnostics released the HTG EdgeSeq miRNA Whole Transcriptome Assay for its HTS Edge System for sample and library preparation.
Strand Life Sciences released version 2.0 of its Avadis NGS software, renaming it Strand NGS. It includes the latest features from the Genespring NGS module.
Bioo Scientific introduced in July the NEXTflex Cell Free DNA-SEq Kit for Illumina library preparation, optimized for library construction from DNA isolated from cell-free fluids. It features flexible multiplexing options.
Bioo Scientific released the NEXTflex 16S V1-V3 Amplicon-Seq Kit for bacterial metagenomics studies using the Illumina MiSeq.
In July, Simbiot and the National Center for Genome Resources launched the Lumenogix GS software platform for knowledge mining and data control.
Enzymatics released an Archer FusionPlex target-enrichment assay for detecting and identifying fusions of 26 genes associated with sarcoma.
In July, QIAGEN launched 14 new GeneRead DNAseq V2 gene-target–enrichment panels for cancer research.
Agilent Technologies introduced the SureSelect Clinical Research Exome for disease-associated regions. It is based on the SureSelect All Exon V5 kits.