Surface Science

Company Announcements

In November, Leica Microsystems entered into an exclusive licensing agreement with Columbia University to commercialize SCAPE (Swept Confocally Aligned Planar Excitation) microscopy for life science applications. SCAPE microscopy forms 3-D images of living samples by scanning them with a sheet of laser light. SCAPE delivers 3-D imaging speeds up to 10–100 times faster than conventional point scanning microscopes while maintaining the benefits of light sheet imaging. The company also exclusively licensed OPM (Oblique Plane Microscopy) technology form Imperial Innovations.

ClearLight Diagnostics exclusively licensed in November from Stanford University IP rights covering inventions related to SPED (Spherical-aberration-assisted Extended Depth-of-field) light sheet microscopy and new RNA interrogation technology for multiplexed, volumetric visualization of both long and short RNAs in a variety of intact tissues.

Thorlabs announced in November a licensing agreement with Howard Hughes Medical Institute to commercialize 2p-RAM (two-photon Random Access Mesoscope) for in vivo imaging of large brain volumes (up to 5 mm x 1 mm) with single neuron resolution. Sales are expected to start in the first quarter of 2017.

In November, NT-MDT, a Russian provider of AFM systems, announced a reorganization to become NT-MDT Spectrum Instruments so as to expand its range of AFM modes. Spectrum Instruments was the exclusive distributor of NT-MDT products.

In November, WITec opened an office in Beijing, China.

ZEISS announced in November the establishment of ZEISS Digital Partners in Munich, Germany, a new competence center to leverage the opportunities offered by digitalization for its customers, partners and employees. The center will grow to 100 employees over the next two years.

ZEISS announced in November €1 million ($1.1 million) in support for innovative research projects at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology as part of its partnership with the organization.

In December, Florida Atlantic University’s Brain Institute announced the opening of a Nikon Center of Excellence, one of seven such Centers in the US and 17 worldwide. It is the first Nikon Center of Excellence in the Southeast US.


Product Introductions

In November, Leica Microsystems introduced HyVolution 2 Super-Resolution Technology, which allows a resolution down to 140 nm, for all Leica TCS SP8 systems. Also released was the Leica TCS SP8 STED ONE Nanoscope for 2-D and 3-D imaging, which achieves resolution down to 30 nm and allows the co-localization of molecules to be reliably quantified.

ZEISS launched in November the ZEISS Celldiscovery 7 for live-cell imaging. It combines the user friendly automation features of a boxed microscope with the image quality and flexibility of a classic inverted research microscope. It features hardware-based autofocus and a new optical design.

In November, Bruker’s Nano Surfaces Division released a nanoscale scratch option for its NanoForce Nanomechanical Testing System, expanding the platform’s capabilities to characterize the resistance of thin films and coatings.

Oxford Instruments launched in November a new electrochemistry cell for its Cypher ES AFM for studying electrochemical reactions in situ.

Tescan introduced in November the Xe plasma FIB column technology, capable of achieving resolution of < 15 nm at 30 keV, extending its range of use into the area of traditional gallium FIB applications.

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