Unmatched combination of speed, bandwidth, and brightness opens new possibilities for analysis in applications

SAN FRANCISCO/Photonics West 2017 — IRsweep today introduced IRspectrometer — the first commercial table-top frequency comb spectrometer offering microsecond time resolution combined with a large spectral bandwidth and high spectral resolution.

The introduction of IRspectrometer advances spectroscopy in a variety applications, including the analysis of biological samples, monitoring of fast reactions, and chemical composition analysis.

IRspectrometer excels where fast time resolution or high throughput and superior brightness is required — including applications involving a complex background matrix or where multiple similar molecules must be simultaneously quantified.

Advancing Mid-IR Spectrometry

IRspectrometer is the first instrument to provide the advantages of dual-comb spectroscopy in a complete turn-key solution. Featuring the radically different approach of dual-comb spectroscopy that was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2005, IRspectrometer overcomes the limitations of the well-known trade-offs of speed, resolution, and signal-to-noise ratio of Michelson FT-IRs.

Unique features of IRspectrometer include:

  • High speed: The fast time resolution of IRspectrometer (as low as 1 µs for a full spectrum) enables monitoring fast processes and high-throughput applications without relying on techniques like step-scan in FT-IRs.
  • Superior brightness: The brightness of IRspectrometer’s laser frequency comb source is superior to conventional globar-based systems — providing an extraordinary dynamic range and enabling the analysis of high-absorption samples. This advantage significantly eases sample preparation for liquid and solid analytes.
  • Bandwidth: IRspectrometer delivers microsecond resolution at high bandwidths. Center wavelengths between 6 µm (1700 cm-1) and 9.5 µm (1050 cm-1), covering fundamental amid absorption bands, are available. The range between 5 µm (2000 cm-1) and 12 um (830 cm-1) is under development.
  • Signal-to-noise: IRspectrometer achieves signal-to-noise ratios above 1000 per data point within less than a  millisecond.

New Possibilities for Analysis

IRspectrometer’s unmatched combination of speed, bandwidth, and brightness opens new possibilities for analysis in key applications. Examples include:

  • Time-resolved bio-spectroscopy: IRspectrometer’s fast time resolution enables the observation of conformal changes in proteins in microseconds. The instrument’s brightness allows measurements of higher absorption samples than with FT-IRs.
  • High-throughput IR analysis: When optimizing the activity of enzymes through modifications, IRspectrometer’s high-throughput rates excel in the analysis of large sample sizes.
  • Chemical composition in the analysis of gaseous, liquid and solid samples: IRspectrometer’s superior brightness can handle high-absorptions samples. The instrument’s high resolution can resolve even narrow spectral features.

Immediate Availability

IRspectrometer is immediately available as a tabletop instrument with a standard sample interface in transmission configuration. For more information, see live demonstrations of IRspectrometer at BiOS (IRsweep booth #8411) and Photonics West (IRsweep booth #4160). Or, contact IRsweep at [email protected], +41 78 956 32 19, or visit the company website at https://irsweep.com.

About IRsweep

Based in Zürich, Switzerland, IRsweep was founded as an ETH Zurich corporate spin-off in 2014. IRsweep offers cutting edge optical sensing solutions based on semiconductor quantum cascade laser (QCL) frequency combs in the mid-infrared spectral range. IRsweep is dedicated to providing fast, selective, and broadband laser spectroscopy for a large range of applications. The company’s vision is to advance current optical analytic technology and expand the availability of optical methods to users. Visit the IRsweep website athttp://irsweep.com.

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