DeNovix Receives Patent for CellDrop™ Automated Cell Counter

WILMINGTON, Delaware, USA — 

DeNovix Inc. announces the award of US Patent 10,302,568 for their innovation in the field of cell counting. The CellDrop Automated Cell Counter, engineered with DirectPipette™ Technology, is the first image-based cell counter that completely eliminates the need for slides.

The CellDrop Series features permanent sample surfaces that form a reusable sample chamber. This innovation brings the simple Load, Measure and Wipe Clean functionality of microvolume spectrophotometers to cell counting, making it easier than ever to gain rapid, accurate cell counts and viability measurements. Not only are consumable plastics eliminated, but the instrument also delivers unrivaled levels of performance.

DeNovix Inc. has been a developer and manufacturer of life science instruments and assays since 2012. CellDrop cell counters were added to their multi award-winning product portfolio in January 2019 as their newest stand-alone instrument.

“Automated cell counting has always been attractive to researchers, but the cost and environmental impact of plastic slides was a barrier,” stated DeNovix CEO Fred Kielhorn. “Since we introduced the product earlier this year, the market has responded strongly. Scientists immediately recognize that we’ve addressed a key problem with new technology. And we’ve delivered it in a powerful, easy-to-use device.”

The patent recognizes DeNovix’s unique, reusable sample surface design. In addition, the patent protects the variable volume counting chamber, which enables measurements across the widest range of cell densities—7x10e2 to 2.5x10e7 cells/mL. Samples are easily removed with a dry laboratory wipe after analysis.

About CellDrop™ Cell Counters

The CellDrop Series is a line of image-based, automated cell counters. Systems include a high definition 7 inch touchscreen for live preview and instant review of results. Pre-installed EasyApps® software includes applications for AO/PI, Brightfield, Trypan Blue and GFP and user customized methods. The software delivers rapid cell counts, viability reports and transfection efficiency assays. All instruments feature Wi-Fi, USB and Ethernet connectivity, allowing users to easily export data via email, network drives, network printers or USB drive. CellDrop cell counters are available in dual fluorescence and brightfield or brightfield only models.
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About DeNovix Inc.

DeNovix Inc., founded in 2012, is a multi-award winning instrumentation company based in Wilmington, DE, USA. DeNovix develops, manufactures and sells laboratory equipment to meet the demands of today’s evolving life science research. The company’s products include stand-alone UV-Vis spectrophotometers, fluorometers and integrated spectrophotometer / fluorometer instruments, cell counters and assays.

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