Lucigen Corporation Awarded $1.4M in SBIR Phase II Grant.

Lucigen Corporation is pleased to announce that it has recently been awarded a Phase II SBIR grant to fund additional research and development.

The National Institutes of Health has awarded Lucigen $1,461,160 as a Small Business Innovation Research grant to be used over the next 3 years to develop research tools with the potential to improve human health. The grant includes funding for the development of methods for improved production and subsequent characterization of certain human G-protein coupled receptors (GPCR’s).

These receptors are found on the surface of most cells and are the target of approximately 40% of drugs on the market today. This important family of proteins holds particular significance for mental health and addiction-related diseases. This grant will be used to develop products that will allow medical researchers to expand their knowledge of this crucial class of drug targets.

“We are pleased to receive this additional funding to further our research. This grant will provide Lucigen with the resources to advance our work on new products to support basic and applied medical research, and will bring several new jobs to the Madison-area.” according to David Mead, Ph.D., founder and CEO.

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