Olympus SpinSR10 Super Resolution Imaging System with Improved Efficiency Delivers Clearer Images, Reduced Phototoxicity and is 3X Brighter

The Olympus high-sensitivity SpinSR10 super resolution microscope combines fast 0.005 seconds/frame acquisition speed and 120-nanometer super resolution with improvements that provide clearer images and three times the brightness of the standard SpinSR10 model.

Super resolution microscopes are used in medical and biological research to observe the internal structure of cells in fine detail, and brightness and clarity are essential to image quality. The SpinSR10 microscope’s enhanced scanner unit greatly improves brightness and clarity for more accurate data and reduced damage to cells.

The microscope’s scanner unit has been upgraded with a new confocal disk and new optics. The improved disk enables users to obtain images with three times the brightness of the standard SpinSR10 model while maintaining the fast scan speed and high resolution that the system is known for. The improved brightness is especially useful during long-term, live cell imaging studies since researchers can use a lower laser power to reduce phototoxicity and still obtain images with the same level of brightness as the standard model. Lower laser power also helps keep fluorescent dyes from fading, another advantage during long-term imaging. Together, these enhancements provide better images with a fast scan speed and high resolution.

To learn more about the newly improved Olympus SpinSR10 microscope, visit

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