Prosolia DESI 2D™ Molecular Imaging Now Compatible with Agilent Technologies

DESI 2D increases potential applications when coupled with the precision of Agilent TOF, Q-TOF and IM-Q-TOF LC/MS systems.

Prosolia, Inc., the exclusive manufacturer of DESI systems, introduced a new DESI 2D model compatible with Agilent TOF, Q-TOF and IM-Q-TOF LC/MS systems. With no sample prep required, DESI 2D enables molecular imaging without matrix by mass spectrometry. DESI 2D integrates real time, micro-scale solvent extraction in fast-moving droplets with electrospray ionization for direct sample analysis. The announcement came at the 65th conference of the American Society of Mass Spectrometry (ASMS). DESI 2D incorporates Prosolia’s proprietary Desorption Electrospray Ionization technology and is currently used in preclinical and clinical research for determining the distribution of drugs, metabolites and biomarkers of disease, as well as, a variety of chemical analysis applications. “DESI 2D is the leading ambient molecular imaging platform for mass spectrometry enabling pharmaceutical and medical research.” said Dr. Justin Wiseman, Chairman, President & CEO of Prosolia.  “We are delighted to offer DESI 2D systems compatible with Agilent TOF, Q-TOF and Ion Mobility Q-TOF systems opening up new possibilities for current and future Agilent users.”

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