Thar starts new Fuel Analysis SFC Research Team with Expert Hire

Thar Instruments, makers of the TharSFC brand of supercritical fluid chromatography systems, hired Dr. Curt White, a prominent SFC researcher in the 1980´s who later went onto manage several GC and CO2 sequestration programs at the National Energy Technology Laboratories in Pennsylvania and West Virginia. Dr. White is directing a team to research the SFC technique´s applications in biofuels, gasoline, diesel and aviation fuels. About Thar Instruments: Thar Instruments, headquartered near Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, was formed in 2007 as a spin-off of Thar Technologies, which was founded in 1990 by Dr. Lalit Chordia. Thar Instruments remains the only company in the world designing, fabricating and selling analytical, preparative and process scale SFC systems. Now the leader in the field, Thar Instrument’s main focus is on coupling analytical and preparative SFC modules with a growing number of advanced detectors to broaden the application of the technology. For more information, visit, email [email protected] to request information, or call toll-free 1-888-THAR-SFC (842-1132).

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