Web-Based Management Suite Supports Complex Research Consortia

BioRN Cluster Management GmbH to Exhibit at BIO International, (May, 3 – 6, 2010) at Booth 5812# Press kit materials are available online at www.BioRN.org

HEIDELBERG, Germany — BioRN Cluster Management GmbH presents the Biotech Cluster Rhine-Neckar as well as the cluster management’s collaborative project, a web-based software to manage complex biotech projects. The scalable solution will provide high-tech cluster or single companies with an easy-to-use application for the management of complex research projects. The suite focuses on the core needs of the different project partners: of scientists, project managers, finance controllers, and cluster managers.

Four modules serve different functions

The web-based application facilitates the networking and communication between project partners at different geographic locations in complex and dispersed project environments. All functionalities are logically assigned to four modules: projects, networking, knowledge and services.

The module “Project” offers detailed project planning, managing and reporting of projects and combines efficiently the needs for both, project managers and financial controllers: Each work package, task and milestone can be directly assigned to its costs. Actions and developments can easily be reported with one mouse click.

Using the “Networking” module one-to-one meetings between cluster partners can be easily initiated and organized in a direct and uncomplicated manner. The “Knowledge” module enables cluster managers to generate a graphical overview of the geographical composition of a cluster. The “Services” module offers several business services, which a cluster management or coordinator provides to the partners, including press releases or lab and office space management.

The Biotech Cluster Rhine-Neckar (BioRN) is home to 60 SMEs with 1700 employees, three global companies with 17 500 employees, and several scientific institutions that are specialized in personalized medicine and cancer research. The BioRN Cluster Management GmbH is charged with the coordination, integration, development and marketing of the Biotech Cluster. The BioRN Cluster Management is kindly supported by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the state of Baden-Wuerttemberg.

Source: BioRN Cluster Management GmbH

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