WITec Introduces Line Extension of its Microscope Series

WITec introduces a line extension of the alpha300 microscope series. Building on the system’s inherent modularity, WITec has added several new microscope versions in order to meet all the diverse and multi-faceted customer requirements one may encounter. In the field of Raman Microscopy the new baseline is the micro Raman system alpha300 M for single point spectrum acquisitions and depth profiling. The alpha300 M+ is additionally equipped with a stepper motor and allows Raman mapping experiments and large area investigations. The stepper motor can also be attached to the Raman Imaging system alpha300 R, providing an extremely flexible and powerful research tool (alpha300R+) for automated large area and high-resolution 3D chemical imaging. The alpha300 ML features cost-effective high-resolution confocal Raman mapping for the highest spectral flexibility (UV-VIS-NIR). Upgrades and combinations with Atomic Force or Scanning Near-field Optical Microscopy are possible at any time. Future fields of application can thus be engaged easily and cost-effectively.

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