Once exclusively large, cumbersome instruments, both gas chromatographs (GC) and mass spectrometers (MS) have shrunk dramatically in size and power requirements. This has led to the development of GC/MS systems that can be operated outside of the laboratory. However, most of these instruments have been mobile, but not truly “man-portable” until more recently. . The […]
PerkinElmer launched the turnkey OneSource Laboratory Relocation service. Thermo Fisher Scientific introduced the 3D Model Integrated Services Solution, a customized maintenance solution based on a detailed needs assessment. Agilent expanded its Enterprise Edition qualification program, enabling a single protocol to meet compliance requirements, to include GC, LC and MS systems.
Atomic Spectroscopy Bruker AXS also unveiled some important x-ray components, such as the XFlash SDD detector that is now standard on the S2 Ranger and the new version of the MicroStar x-ray source. The MicroStar Ultra can provide a flux of 80 billion x-rays per square millimeter per second, similar to the performance of some […]
Numerous new products are introduced each year at Pittcon. However, Pittcon is not what it used to be for product introductions (see page 4). Thus, while IBO always has plenty of new products to choose from for its annual pick of the top product introductions at the show, Pittcon is not the first exhibition for […]
Atomic Spectroscopy Bruker AXS, following the acquisition of Quantron (see IBO 9/15/06), released “Brukerized” versions of Quantron’s arc-spark instruments around the first of the year. The Q6 Columbus is a laboratory system, as is the Q8 Magellan, which is priced at about $65,000. The Q8 Coronado (based on the Magellan) is an automated system for […]
Company Announcements Under a 2006 asset purchase agreement, Advanced Chromatography Systems acquired the EZ Flash II GC accessory and the TEA analyzer organic nitrogen detection from assets of Thermo Fisher Scientific. PerkinElmer partnered with Ion Signature Technology (IST) to offer IST’s Ion Signature Quantitative Deconvolution Software to users of its Clarus 600 GC/MS. GOW-MAC Instruments […]
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