Last week, the Canadian government released details of its federal budget for fiscal 2016. To further scientific and technological innovation, Budget 2016 proposes CAD 95 million ($72.1 million) be provided per year on an ongoing basis for “discovery research.” This includes CAD 30 million for the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, and the Natural Sciences and Engineering Council, and CAD 19 million for the Research Support Fund. Genome Canada is proposed to receive CAD 237.2 million to complete its research activities in 2019–2020; the Centre of Drug Research and Development will be allocated CAD 32 million for 2017–2018; and the Stem Cell Network is proposed to receive CAD 12 million from 2016–2017. A total of CAD 20 million allocated over three years, starting 2016, is proposed for the Brain Canada Foundation’s Brain Research Fund; and CAD 50 million over five years, starting 2016, is allocated for the National Optics Institute. In total, Budget 2016 proposes CAD 2.26 billion to strengthen science and research in Canada.
Source: Government of Canada