Portion of QIAGEN Preliminary Injunction Stayed

San Francisco, CA 9/22/16—The US District Court for the Northern District of California has ruled on QIAGEN’s motion to stay the preliminary injunction against the sale of its GeneReader NGS System (see IBO 9/15/16) pending an expedited appeal. Illumina requested the injunction as part of a patent infringement suit it filed in May. Ruling on the motion, the Court denied to stay the preliminary injunction but partially stayed the motion, allowing QIAGEN to continue to supply current customer with nucleotides and allowing international sales of the system manufactured in the US.

Late this month, following its appeal in District Court, for an interim stay of the injunction, QIAGEN filed an appeal with the US Federal Court of Appeals. In the document, it states, “QIAGEN will suffer irreparable harm if it is forced to cease marketing and selling GeneReader in the United States while this appeal is pending.”

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