Expectations for industry growth showed little change compared to last fall (see IBO 10/15/14), according to IBO’s biannual Business Climate Survey. However, compared to a year ago, sentiments were more restrained. This spring, 57% of survey participants expect instrument and laboratory product–industry sales to increase moderately. Forty-three percent expect them to stay the same. However, […]
IBO has moved up its quarterly financial review of major publicly held instrument and lab product businesses to the mid-month issues in order to provide more time-sensitive reporting. In addition, IBO has reorganized its Sales Indexes to one primary Laboratory Instruments and Products Sale Index, which will be presented in the May 31 issue. These […]
As a result of Russia’s economic crisis and the devaluation of the ruble, the country will decrease its funding for national universities this year by at least 10%. The government expects the universities to make up the difference, from $4.2 billion last year to $3.8 billion this year, by acquiring private funds and investments, commercializing […]
This month, following years of disagreement, the EU passed legislation allowing new strains of GM crops to be approved for growing. However, the law allows member states to ban the crops even if approved by the European Commission. France, for example, is opposed to GM crops and will continue to ban 1507, a strain of […]
Since cuts to capital budgets in fiscal 2011, the UK has been developing infrastructure to promote the sharing of equipment and facilities within and across institutions as well as with businesses. Benefits of sharing include savings by maximizing use of existing equipment and providing access to equipment that might otherwise not be affordable to individual […]
More biotechnology companies are going public in Europe. Last year, 15 firms went public on the continent’s 15 most important stock exchanges, up from 5 in 2013. These companies raised an average of €48 million ($64 million), a 303.4% increase from the average amount raised in 2013. In total, the new listings raised €719.8 million. […]
In 2013, R&D spending in Spain totaled €13,012 million ($17,349 million), down 2.8%. R&D accounted for 1.2% of GDP, a drop of three-hundredths of a percentage point. The business sector performed 53% of R&D. Higher education, public administration and private nonprofits performed 28%, 19% and less than 1%, respectively. Business, higher education and public administration […]
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IBO (Instrument Business Outlook) is a twice-monthly newsletter aimed at providing decision-makers with the latest and most complete information available on the life science and analytical instrument industry, and lab product markets. IBO delivers the latest curated industry news, information and trends, as well as SDi data and analysis to deliver the maximum in industry insight with a minimum time investment for executives and investors.