Researchers in Argentina struggle to have work published in indexed scientific journals
Brazil government implements new funding scheme for universities through novel research program
In a major win for scientists, Brazilian government restores original science budget
Academics and scientists fear “brain drain” in Argentina
Argentine science budget to be cut by almost 9% in 2017
Mexican R&D expenditures increase
New bill proposal locks Brazilian science budget
Following the impeachment of Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff last month, interim President Michel Temer combined the country’s Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MCTI) with the telecommunications and internet regulations ministry. Brazilian scientists have been protesting the integration, which they believe will greatly debilitate scientific R&D. Since 2013, authorized funding for the MCTI has been […]
Analytical instrument and lab product company executives’ expectations have diminished since last fall, according to the latest IBO Business Climate Survey. This is not a surprise considering updated macroeconomic forecasts. In April, the International Monetary Fund revised its January projections for global growth downward two-tenths of a percentage point to 3.2%. This followed a February […]
On March 23, a new measure to increase the percentage of the blend of biodiesel with diesel fuel was signed into law by Brazlian President Dilma Rouseff. The percentage increase is mandatory for Brazil, the world’s second largest market for biodiesel. By 2017, the blend of biodiesel with diesel fuel will increase to 8% from […]
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