Following Pfizer’s plan to acquire Wyeth and Roche’s bid for Genentech, other big pharmaceutical firms may be considering major acquisitions. Sanofi-Aventis is reported to be interested in purchasing Bristol-Myers Squibb (BMS). The companies currently comarket Plavix. However, BMS’s future patent expirations and changes in leadership at Sanofi-Aventis could deter the deal. Merck & Co. has […]

Only half of the 21 companies in the IBO Laboratory Sales Index reported fourth-quarter earnings before the publication of this issue of IBO. For the 11 companies, revenues improved 1.0%, operating profits grew 3.5%, and operating margins improved 60 basis points to 21.9% of sales. Companies, such as Ilumina, Luminex and QIAGEN, sustained strong sales […]

Toronto, Canada 2/2/09; New York NY 10/30/08—MDS announced that is has formed a committee of independent directors to support its review of alternatives for improving shareholder value. MDS has hired Goldman, Sachs & Co. and RBC Capital Markets as financial advisors. In an October 2008 press release, Obrem Capital Markets disclosed its discussions with MDS […]

Waltham, MA 2/3/09—PerkinElmer has acquired Opto Technology, a supplier of light-emitting diode (LED) based components and subsystems, for an undisclosed amount. The purchase adds optical subsystems to PerkinElmer’s high brightness LED components portfolio, part of PerkinElmer’s Environmental Health business. “The addition of Opto Technology expands PerkinElmer’s presence in the solid state specialty lighting marketplace and […]

Despite their oil resources, Middle Eastern countries are making record investments in clean energy, targeting R&D and green manufacturing in order to maintain their leadership in energy. Masdar, near Abu Dhabi, will produce zero carbon emissions and be home to an MIT satellite campus as well as a research park. According to CH2M’s Nancy Tuor, […]

Viscosity is a general property of fluids that measures how “thick” the fluid is. More precisely, viscosity measures a fluid’s response to physical stresses. The more a fluid resists being deformed by the stress, the greater its viscosity. The most basic mathematical definition for viscosity originated from Issac Newton, who postulated that the relationship between […]

The International Service for the Acquisition of Agri-Biotech Applications (ISAAA) reports that the world’s hectarage of biotech crops increased 19.4% to 125 million hectares in 2008. Cropnosis estimates that the market value (based on the sale price of the seed and technology fees) of biotech crops grew 8.7% in 2008 to $7.5 billion to account […]

According to a December 2008 survey by Clinical Laboratory News, the US recession is taking a toll on clinical labs. The e-mailed survey received 254 responses with 63%, 20% and 16% of respondents representing hospital labs, academic medical centers and reference labs, respectively. Thirty-three percent of survey respondents indicated that their labs’ budgets had been […]

Company Announcements The Mathworks opened an office in Bangalore, India, in November 2008. PerkinElmer integrated its LABWORKS LIMS with Labtronics’ LimsLink and LimsLink Express software. Geospiza acquired VizX Labs’ GeneSifter Data Analysis for gene expression analysis from in November 2008. Ocimum Biosolutions agreed to distribute Clarmon’s QAvalid compliance management solution for automating quality and compliance […]

Loveland, CO 2/10/09—Hach announced that it has acquired OPS Systems and the assets of WaterEye. Based in Rio Rancho, New Mexico, OPS provides water-related reporting and analysis, preventive maintenance and LIMS (laboratory information management solutions) software solutions for water, wastewater and industrial plant operations. WaterEye provides web-based information management solutions. As a result of the […]