R&D, sales and capex annual totals for pharma & biotech, chemicals, and industrial metals & mining companies
Smaller producers continue to invest
R&D expenditures by 2,500 companies continue to increase despite sales decline
Facebook co-founder and wife launch initiative for disease treatment and prevention research
Pharma R&D expenditure continues to rise
UIS releases data detailing global leaders in R&D expenditure
As is usual for our annual forecast issue, IBO selects a firm from our industry as “company of the year.” In designating the company of the year, IBO recognizes an analytical- and life science–instrument maker that has accomplished technical, operational and financial achievements. Such achievements are a function of strong financial performance, market leadership, innovative […]
CROs will again be the leading growth end-market in 2015. Pharmaceutical and biotechnology firms continue to outsource analytical-research activities and clinical trials, especially to China and India. The CRO market is followed closely in forecast growth by biotech, agriculture and food, hospital and clinical, and pharmaceutical labs, all which have similar analysis requirements, creating a […]
A More Focused Approach As economic headwinds in China, industrial and selected government markets continued in 2014, several analytical-instrument and lab-product companies took steps to focus on a narrower set of businesses and product lines, in some cases, divesting assets and, in other cases, consolidating their positions. Among the year’s most prominent product-line exits were […]
The instrument industry performed well in 2014, a welcome rebound from a lackluster 2013. Although a fair degree of uncertainty reigned, a number of positive developments helped make the year a success. The most important development was the improvement of the US economy, which steadily accelerated. China also turned in good economic progress that was […]
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IBO (Instrument Business Outlook) is a twice-monthly newsletter aimed at providing decision-makers with the latest and most complete information available on the life science and analytical instrument industry, and lab product markets. IBO delivers the latest curated industry news, information and trends, as well as SDi data and analysis to deliver the maximum in industry insight with a minimum time investment for executives and investors.