Last month, the US government launched the public-private National Microbiome Initiative (NMI) to research microbiomes in different ecosystems. The three recommended areas of focus are: interdisciplinary research, to further understanding about the relationship between microbiomes and their ecosystems; platform technologies, to increase collaboration and access to research data; and workforce expansion, to encourage engagement in […]
According to a study assessing legislation and policies affecting International Higher Education (IHE) in 26 countries, Germany and Malaysia have the best policies supporting IHE. The results are based on rankings for three categories: openness of HE and support of international mobility for students, academics and university programs; quality assurance of international students, and recognition […]
Released last month, new data detailing federal research funding in the US indicates that combined funding for R&D and R&D Plant increased 4.1% in FY14 to $132.5 billion. FY15 funding for R&D and R&D Plant is expected to increase slightly to $132.8 billion, while FY16 funding is forecast to increase 5.8% to $140.5 billion. For […]
Western blotting, also known as immunoblotting, is a technique for detecting proteins. Used since the 1970s, it has become an industry standard for protein detection and characterization. It allows researchers to verify the expression of a specific protein, determine the relative amount of protein present and analyze protein-protein interaction. Western blotting relies on a handful […]
At January’s end, President Obama established the Cancer Moonshot Task Force, which aims to enable developments in cancer research. The National Cancer Moonshot is a $1 billion initiative to aid scientists and researchers in accelerating research and treatments for cancer. For 2016, $195 million in new cancer-related activities at the NIH has been invested, and […]
The NSF has released preliminary figures for the US federal government’s budget authority for fiscal 2015. Total R&D and R&D-plant budget authority grew 0.7% to $137.2 billion in current dollars, down from 2.8% growth in fiscal 2014. Adjusted for inflation, both years’ levels are nearly flat with fiscal 2010. Nondefense R&D and R&D-plant budget authority […]
Following up on previous programs, in August, the Chinese government announced World Class 2.0, a plan for its best universities to attain world-class status. As revealed at the Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development’s Higher Education Futures conference earlier this month, the program has been initiated despite some budgetary limitations. Under the plan, hubs for […]
Recently, prompted by the success of two specialized firms, several newer companies have begun to invest in the research of academic institutions, funding R&D and start-ups. The two companies, IP Group and Imperial Innovations, each owns shares worth hundreds of millions of dollars in close to 100 companies. To realize the promise of university technologies, […]
This month, the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) released its annual Science, Technology and Industry Scoreboard, highlighting trends in R&D spending among the 34 countries that make up the OECD as well as China. In particular, the report emphasized the recent trends of growing investment by business, China’s increasing R&D prominence and the […]
Despite indications that the global economy is continuing to slow, the outlook for sales growth within the instrument and lab product industry is positive. In late October, 15 industry executives completed the online IBO Business Climate Survey. The respondents were IBO subscribers and other solicited participants, each representing a unique company or business unit. The […]
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