SANTA CLARA, Calif.–Agilent Technologies Inc. (NYSE: A) today announced that Hans E. Bishop, president and co-founder of Altos Labs, has stepped down from serving on Agilent’s board of directors. Bishop joined Agilent’s board in July 2017, after holding a range of leadership positions in the pharmaceutical industry. “Hans’ extensive life science industry leadership and insight […]
SANTA CLARA, Calif.–Agilent Technologies Inc. (NYSE:A) today announced that Padraig McDonnell has assumed the role of Agilent CEO, effective immediately. His appointment is part of the company’s CEO transition plan announced Feb. 21. McDonnell is the fourth CEO in Agilent’s history and succeeds Mike McMullen, who will serve as an adviser until he retires Oct. […]
SANTA CLARA, Calif.–Agilent Technologies Inc. (NYSE: A) today announced that Padraig McDonnell, president of the Agilent CrossLab Group (ACG), has been named CEO-elect and chief operating officer (COO) of the company, succeeding current President and CEO Mike McMullen who will retire. McDonnell will become Agilent’s president and CEO and join Agilent’s Board of Directors on […]
Langen ERWEKA GmbH is proud to start the year 2022 with two amazing new products – ERWEKAs first digital high-volume dissolution tester DT 9510 with its innovative AirLift system for easy raising and lowering of the dissolution head, and the new ZT 730 disintegration tester with AirBasket, ERWEKAs first cable-free disintegration basket with automatic determination […]
A new noise reducing cabinet for the PT-TD300 tapped density and apparent density testing instrument is optionally available. The new cabinet reduces noise inherent to the tapping mechanism of the instrument by up to 10 decibel down to 62 decibel compared to using the instrument without a cabinet (both measured at the same distance – […]
System addresses the pharmaceutical industry’s need for compliant, semi-automated testing of nanoparticle drug formulations. SANTA CLARA, Calif.–Agilent Technologies Inc. (NYSE: A) today announced the introduction of the NanoDis System for nanoparticle dissolution testing. Combining Agilent instrumentation and software to enable customers to meet 21 CFR Part 11 and other regulations through its application, the new NanoDis […]
Langen, 2. September 2019. On August 30th, after two years of construction, Erweka finally celebrated the inauguration of the new company headquarter in the business center of the city of Langen. The leading manufacturer of test equipment for pharmaceutical and life science companies welcomed about 200 guests from all over the world. Many long-standing business […]
The PTWS 820-MA is the first dissolution testing instrument with a media addition system from Pharma Test which is used for the testing of delayed release dosage forms. It can automatically dose 250 ml of preheated concentrated buffer solutions quickly and simultaneously into all vessels. The operation is fully compliant to USP, EP and CP […]
We are moving to our new headquarters at the 15th March 2019. Please note our new address: Pittlerstr. 45 63225 Langen Germany Final Deliveries to Heusenstamm: until 12am on 13th March 2019. New Deliveries to Langen: Starting at 8am on 20th March 2019. No deliveries will be taken between 14th and 19th of March, 2019
A new extensive firmware update (version 2.0) for all PTWS x20 tablet dissolution testing instruments which includes the PTWS 120D, PTWS 120S, PTWS 820D, PTWS 620, PTWS 1220 and the PTWS D620 is now available. All new instruments will be delivered with this firmware version 2.0 from now on. The update is also available free […]
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